Questions for Virtual Speed Networking
I recently hosted a Virtual Speed Networking event in, an interactive virtual event platform.
Here are some of the questions that participants asked each other in 5-minute speed networking sessions:
- What are you working on right now that’s got you excited?
- If you could have anyone as your dinner guest, living or dead, who would you pick, and why?
- What is something you do to keep yourself balanced?
- What would your best friend say is your greatest quality?
- What book do you re-read the most?
- What software makes you feel like you have superpowers?
- What would have finished you off by now if you had been born 200 years earlier?
- What advice did you receive early in your career that you now realize was totally wrong?
- Do you have a talent, a gift, or a skill that you can give endlessly without feeling depleted?
- What is your most controversial opinion in your field of expertise?
- What purchase of $100 or less has most positively impacted your life in the last six months?
- If you could have one gigantic billboard anywhere with anything on it, what would it say, and why?
The answer from these questions started new conversations with new friends from across the globe.
Metaverse Meetups
While the Metaverse is a 3-d interactive open map, Bramble is a 2-d closed map. You can move forward, back, left, and right. When you get close to someone, their camera and microphone become visible and audible — and when you move away, they fade out.
I made an interactive treasure hunt to guide new users how to move around the space:
You can follow my treasure hunt and learn how to use Bramble, if you like.