Polymath problems
I’m a polymath, so you may have been surprised by the variety of topics you see me write about.
Depending on what phase of my interests I was in when you started following me, you may be a little confused about who I am and what I do.
To give you some context, I’ll give you the bullet-point rundown:
- I’m an American digital nomad living in New Zealand
- I moved with my young family 11 times in 11 years
- I blog a lot, and you can read my posts about Living in Costa Rica and Moving to New Zealand
Professionally, I’m a digital marketer by trade. You can see case studies of my work here.
Personally, I’m a bibliophile. I love reading books, and you can read about the ten books that changed my life here.
During the pandemic, I taught a lot of virtual workshops on the topics of digital marketing and virtual events.
Click here to watch my Marketing Masterclasses
- Lead Magnetism: Grow Your Business With Marketing Automation
- Your Message = Your Mess+Age
- Marketing Yourself
- How To Turn Email Subscribers Into Buyers
- Plan For Success By Setting SMART Goals
- Create A Content Calendar For Next Year
- Mapping the Customer Journey of the Hero
- Personal Brand vs Business Brand
- Research Your Competition for Fun & Profit
- Get More Referrals And Testimonials With Great Question
Click here to watch my Virtual Event Masterclasses
- 10 Fun Games To Play On Zoom
- Be A Better Zoom Host
- Remote Culture, Communication, & Collaboration
- Work From Home Like A Boss
- Zoom #A11y: Making Virtual Meetings Accessible
- The 4 Levels Of Productivity
I’m also a business coach and virtual keynote speaker. If any of these links seem appealing to you, give a click and learn more.
Oh, and I also juggle flaming torches.
I hope that fills in some gaps. See you around the Internet!